Wow, 2007… I remember being like, 10 years old and thinking in 2000 I’ll be (however old I was in 2000!) and now we’re 7 years into the “naughties”! There was so much hype leading up to them, but anyway my thoughts are running away with me…

Hope all of you had fun ringing in the new year.

New Years Eve, I went to see the PLOS production The Wizard of Oz which was really well envisioned by the director and whilst there were some sound glitches, a few hiccups (opening night madness) – I did very much enjoy it. I had watched the movie the night before so I was well excited to see how they’d pull off the live show.

Afterwards, had a few people around for new year celebrations… we ate, we drank, we sang songs (inside the house and in the driveway near the street), we sang whilst DSUG played Blue and it was all good fun! I think I finally crashed around 4am… I just remember my bed never felt so good (and no, I wasn’t drunk at all).

So what does this have to do with Brissy, you ask? I was getting there, setting the scene if you will. Right, so, my dear friends, Mutton and Tiger moved (far far away) so that Mutton could do a uni course – she doing awesomely at, btw! Go girl! In attempts to lessen the distance between us… they came down for my birthday last August and we arranged to visit in the New Year… so.. we’re off to Brisbane for 4 days! It should be good times, so looking forward to it! You could say, I’m busting to go!

Ha! There you go.. I knew I’d work the title into it somehow.

From me to all of you… heres hoping 2007 brings heaps more good times!